Last Wednesday, a small EPA work crew, claiming to inspect the “Gold King” mine, which sits on the Navajo Nation, “accidentally” knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River, which eventually feeds into the Colorado River. The EPA, attempting to limit their liability, has been visiting individual Navajo homes, encouraging them to sign away their potential rights, many they have approached do not have English as their primary language.
Listen to Mark Levin explain the full situation in short the clip on the next page:
Start Shooting soon.
Go figure:-/
Abolish this anti-American department, and jail all its top people
F***** UP
An ulterior motive? Who’d have guessed…
Never trust the EPA they lie almost as much as Obongo!
People should be more concerned with this than race wars
Keep your EPA noses out of the indigenous peoples lives they don’t need you