Last Wednesday, a small EPA work crew, claiming to inspect the “Gold King” mine, which sits on the Navajo Nation, “accidentally” knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River, which eventually feeds into the Colorado River. The EPA, attempting to limit their liability, has been visiting individual Navajo homes, encouraging them to sign away their potential rights, many they have approached do not have English as their primary language.
Listen to Mark Levin explain the full situation in short the clip on the next page:
The Navajos will get pissed and rise up if they are not careful.
Oh No not the wonderful EPA
haven’t they taken enough from them- disgraceful
This Administration has no Morals, or skin in the game, their here to destroy our way of life and be gone..
EPA speak with forked tongue.
The Navajo should scalp them
EPA fines everyone did they pay a fine?
And they ran McCain off too….
Nah just throw them in the river!