Obama has deep disdain for America and the Constitution and Mark Levin has no trouble calling it as he sees it. Levin reacted strongly to Obama’s recent release of 6000 criminal drug felons, as well as his plan to “ban the box”, which would stymie the process of checking to see if an individual has a criminal record for federal hiring personnel and federal contractors.
On page two, read his prediction, that Obama, friend of felons and foe to law abiding American citizens, will give a blanket pardon to those felons so that they can vote in 2016.
The individual State Constitutions, when they were written, never prohibited criminals from voting
This is insane. Next he will be opening polling locations in prisons to make sure all the prisoners are allowed to vote. Totally insane. They are criminals and should lose some rights for being such. Besides signing up with their parole officer when they are released.
Guess he is going to assure Hillary’s election!!!! Sad days for America!!!!! Praying!!!!
Yep, illegals and all those criminals he let out on the street are illegal dem votes.
Obama is beyond corrupt.
Of course! More permanent demo voters!!
Just more votes.
I am willing to bet he told the criminals if they wanted to be released they needed to sign a waiver stating they will vote Democrat. If this goes through and Democrats win. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NEED A RECALL IMMEDIATELY, CAUSE OF VOTERS FRAUD PUSHED BY OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS
Who’s surprised he’d find a way to let his and Hillary’s brethren vote? Birds of a feather.