During the Fortune Global Forum in San Francisco, Levi Strauss & Co. president and CEO Chip Bergh announced that he was going all in on gun control.
Sad. Levi Strauss & Co. has long been with the American West. The company was born in 1853 and has witnessed and been part of some of the biggest transformational movements that shaped our great nation. Now, they are simply another company whose leader drank liberal kool-aid and joined the left in its crusade to disarm Americans and allow the federal government ever more control over the lives of Americans.
All it took for Bergh to abandon a major principle upon which our country was founded was complaints from retail employees who expressed concerns over consumers carrying guns in our stores and an incident in 2016 where a consumer accidentally shot and injured himself while trying on a pair of jeans.
Turn the page to see what Bergh is planning with billionaire leftist Michael Bloomberg.
So when are they going to ban cars, planes, trains, illegal drugs, alcohol, illegall immigrants, all non-kitchen knives, most prescription drugs,..???? You laugh but it can be proven everything here is dangerous and 100,000 + people are killed and murdered by these items every year.
Good Luck…they will only get what’s “in” our guns!
Bye, bye Levis Wranglers
Are better by a long SHOT
No more Levi’s just went to Academy and purchased two pair of Wranglers
How much do you think that Comment going to hurt your business? Levi strauss.
Since my buying Livi’s is going to the funding of this effort. I will no longer be purchasing Jeans from this company.
The bottom line is…
Anti-constituion = Anti-American
Levi Strauss & Co should stick to producing high quality denim and stay our of politics.
Not made in USA they moved to Mexico when NAFTA was approved
I wouldn’t and haven’t bought their products since
Shame, I quit buying Levi’s when they offshore and put the wage difference in there pocket. Levi’s was American and a great product. Wore nothing but Levi’s in school. You can,t buy such brand loyalty, but the company is being lead by a knucklehead. A big believer in if you denigh people the consideration of their actions you will fill the world will fools. in a better world they would show him the gate.
No More Levis For Me !