Retired late night television host David Letterman is keeping up his almost deranged ranting about President Donald Trump, looking and coming across like a homeless man wandering the streets.
Letterman launched his latest salvo in an interview with GQ magazine this week, stooping so low as to call the president a “goon.”
Acknowledging that he is “sick” that Trump represents our country on the world stage, Letterman seems lost in the same bitterness that infects millions of liberals who still are licking their wounds over Hillary Clinton’s humiliating defeat.
Find out more about the tv host’s ramblings, as well as his previous outrageous comments, on the next page.
Yeah you are right you are retarded not retired
… oh no .. not a letterman rant … not that!
Has anyone actually read the Paris accord.Obviously not .It does nothing but takes American jobs and industry away .It allows China to pollute even more and we loose Trillions over the next 20
Years with virtually no effect
On the climate.It forces the USA to eliminate industry and jobs .We pay billions to other countries.Its actually a plan to redistribute our wealth to Other country’s benefits .Wake up and don’t buy the progressive Democrats lies .Read the moronic accords for yourself.If you do you will see how ridiculous this plan is .
Ha ha 🙂
Shut up and go watch reruns of monkey cams
Must be getting pretty bad when you gotta dust off all the old players.
Mentally deranged hippocrite
A real ugly American…move to France!
WHO? Never heard of HER!
He never was right!