Lesbian Bishop Deems Holy Bible Flawed and Orders Its Revision to Make God Gender-Neutral

Bishop Eva Brunne of Stockholm Church of Sweden, an Evangelical Lutheran sect of the Protestant Church, has been in controversial news regarding her position and her lifestyle before, so it’s no big deal from her perspective to be involved in yet another.

Brunne, who is an openly-gay lesbian bishop in a same-sex relationship with another priest (yes, you heard that right, another lesbian priest) and has a son who was born in 2006, has taken up a stance recently that has some doubting her professed Christianity.

The bishop has decided that her power is very important and she will use this power to push whatever Leftist agenda is important to her, regardless of what her congregation believes or wishes.  “I know what it is to be called into question. I am in the lucky situation that I have power, and I can use it for the benefit of those who have no power.”

When she ordered that all crosses and crucifixes be removed from the Seamen’s Church in Stockholm Harbor in September of 2015, she actually had no authority to do so.  Her order was one that was meant to make Muslims feel more at ease in the church and she wanted the crosses and crucifixes removed for that reason.  In addition, she wanted the western direction marked so that Muslims could face Mecca when they prayed.

The head of the Seamen’s Church, Kicki Wetterberg, took umbrage with the order and rejected it outright.  “This is a Christian Church.”

Not to be outdone, Brunne also opted to openly participate in a march against nationalist parties who were rallying against the excessive practices of the Swedish government of accepting tens of thousands of Muslims into the country every year, without a viable program or plan to place these young men.  Yes, you guessed it.  The vast majority of these Muslims entering the country are “refugees” fleeing war and happen to be young men of fighting age between the ages of 18-28.  The insurgence of the Caliphate in any other truthful look at this movement.

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  1. Brett Littlejohn
  2. Thomas Weber
  3. Brum
  4. Mort
  5. Jerri
  6. Teriqua Jones
  7. Stan Sova
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