In another strange twist in the never-ending saga of liberal obsession with gun control, a Miami law professor is claiming that the United States Constitution is being used to “justify irrational and destructive agendas” and believes that the National Rifle Association should be investigated by Congress for profiting off of dead children, and not Planned Parenthood. The logic is as twisted as the mind it’s coming from. Professor Mary Anne Franks’s latest lecture, titled “Guns, Speech, and Sex: The Rise of Constitutional Extremism” is being advertised as a discussion of the similarities between “constitutional extremists” and religious extremists.
According to her, the Constitution has become an “article of faith” and is being used to justify irrational and destructive agendas in the same way religious extremists use the bible to advance their “fundamentalist views.” Notice how she didn’t use the Quran as an example, but attacked the Bible and Christians instead.
While the bias is definitely there, the rest of her lecture focuses on a confusing mix of ideas that put both the right and left on blast. It’s like she takes all forms of modern thinking, puts them in a blender and then reconstructs them to her own brainwashing purposes.
Find out what else she’s saying on the next page.
Delusional liberal idiot doesn’t have a clue and these people are in charge?! God help us!
Most of the children murdered with firearms are not innocent little kids, as the left would have us believe, but 16-24 year old black males involved in gangs and/or drug trafficking. Most have prior convictions that disqualify them from owning or possessing guns, if not already prohibited from buying guns under the GCA due to age. The disputes precipitating their murders are typically over drugs, and they are party to the dispute, not bystander.
As a matter of public safety, children being murdered with firearms is quite low on the list of potential risks for kids outside the abovementioned demographic. Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, murders unborn children in the womb and then sells their body parts for profit. To equate them with the NRA or, worse yet, to dismiss them while disparaging the NRA, is morally reprehensible.
More unqualified statements from another unqualified liberal mouthpiece. Totally untrue.
It would be far better to investigate the Lawyers for the dead they have killed.
The NRA is NOT an non for profit organization…
Let’s make our presence known without a doubt on November 8th. I think all Donald Trump supporters should pledge to wear a red shirt all day long on election day and make our presence known. Let the news media try to avoid a sea of red moving across the whole United States of America! They may be able to rig the machines, but they can’t strip countless millions of people of their shirts! There’s no way they can deny our collective voices if we make ourselves physically visual! As for me, I’ll be dressed in red from head to toe!” ~ Bobbie Coker ~ Please help share if you believe that elections shouldn’t be RIGGED! FB is trying to BLOCK our effort
Has any NRA member ever killed a kid? I highly doubt it. Those that have been killing children are illegal gun owners that have never belonged to the NRA. They are usually also democrats so sue the democratic party for their failed policies.