The world knows no hypocrites like the Democrat party.
It is a tradition for the first family to invite symbolic guests to the president’s addresses to joint sessions of congress. More often than not, those guests include members of the military or their family — many of whom sustained serious injuries in the line of duty.
This year, Donald Trump continued that tradition by inviting Carryn Ownes — the wife of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens — to his congressional address. But Democrats weren’t happy about the invitation.
Many on the left claimed that Trump used Owens as a political prop. They don’t seem to remember that Hillary Clinton used a similar tactic during the Democratic National Convention. There, she invited Gold Star father Khizir Kahn on-stage to attack Donald Trump’s rhetoric regarding Muslim-Americans.
The left were okay with it then, but not anymore.
Read about the resulting outrage that emanated from Trump’s tribute on the next page:
The Devilcrats are lowlife in moral uncaring pieces of
Chit !!!
Well it was her choice so why do you care? I’d rather see this type of patriotism than those Hollywood types that don’t give a rats$#%&!@*about the middle Americans .
What matters is how the lady felt. No one else.
You sure your name isn’t WEASEL???
Wish I had a dime for every
time the left used so called victims as a prop!
Why not ? Her husband gave his life for this Country and the Leader of this Country as well as the Free World honored him . This has been done by every President in recent memory and should be continued !
Why would you expect anything less from these Un-American, disgusting, liberal Ingrates.
It’s time for the Democrats to get off their asses, shut their traps and start working for america.
Some ppl just lack compassion