The next few months will be a scene right out of Fahrenheit 451 as Leftists the country over will begin to demand the removal of every single objectionable building, statue, artifact, work of art, memorial, plaque, literature, photograph and idea from American society.
The belief which pushes this agenda is certainly not one of personal offense, at least not to the upper echelon of the Democrat Party. They are well-aware that racism can be perceived in everything, if we stretch our imaginations to their absolute limits. Just as questions in a survey can be asked in such a way as to effect a certain outcome in the polling data, a perception of racism can be accomplished in any subject matter, as long as we’re willing to formulate a way of thinking and approaching a story in such as fashion as to instill a specific mentality about the qualities of being racist.
Once we’ve determined that everything is racist, we can then fan out in a veritable army of volunteer useful idiots who will do exactly as the upper echelon demands. And that includes the tearing down or removing of all things racist.
That push continues today, in light of what has been happening with Confederate monuments around the country. Read the next page about how our very next logical step in the evolution of Leftist outrage will be to detonate our nation’s heritage sites (like Mount Rushmore and Stone Mountain) with both hatred and a little dynamite!
Leave these monuments alone. If you don’t like them go to another country.
A Message to Walmart CEO McMillon…………
After seeing the announcement today “denouncing President Trump” I will no longer be shopping at Walmart. Let me ask – when Black Lives Matter rioted and ambushed cops, did you denounce then President Obama? No, you started selling shirts for BLM. When dead/dying people were found in the back of a trailer on Walmart property, did you denounce Illegal Alien Trafficking? No. Do you denounce ANTIFA for spitting on people and throwing urine on them? No. Our president denounced the HATE from BOTH sides… and that’s where the hate comes from… ALL sides.
All those hell bent on destroying Trump… best remember that there are 63 Million… yes, that is MILLION of us who voted for and support OUR PRESIDENT!!! You insult one of us, you insult ALL of us!!! Guess when Walmart’s Stocks tank you’ll “get” that We The People control the direction of our Country NOT some pathetic, weak CEO who doesn’t have a pair and sits behind a desk.
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First they came for the my sense of right and wrong and I did not speak out—
Because I was Right
Then they came for my Institutions, and I did not speak out—
Because I was thought them secure.
Then they came for the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was close to God.
Then they came for me.
(Credit, but modified, MARTIN NIEMÖLLER)
Give them a few years and MLK, Chavez, etc will all be gone in favor of the Marks, lenon, and$#%&!@*statues the left sooo seems to admire.
Sad. ISIS philosophy
I got a better Idea. Destroy liberal “logic”.
It’s gonna end up bloody. You don’t touch Rushmore. It’s a National monument.
Since history did not actually begin until the coronation of Barack Obama, every historical artifact prior to 2008 should be dismantled and removed from any public or governmental premise. Our citizens have become complacent and perfectly willing to forego historical data points throughout the brief history of our country and have offered themselves to the alter of governmental control. Kruschev was correct when he said America would be destroyed from within
Liberals there are states that you will be very sorry you ever messed with don’t come out west and think your going to pull your b******t, you will start a war you can’t win