If you live in California and don’t keep bottled water in your home and don’t plan on leaving, you would be wise to purchase some as soon as possible. Besides the drought that has beleaguered California now for years, the water supply itself is now contaminated with poisonous wastewater from nearby fracking sites. It can be deathly poisonous for humans if drunk untreated, and there’s no sign that anything will be done to remove the toxins anytime soon.
Get the wet details on page 2.
Watch @ 1:00 on bar, or just watch whole thing
Truth IS……. Cal and the Feds are run by Democrats. Enjoy.
Probably just want to have an excuse to Declare MARSHAL LAW on that side of country
They have been Geo-Engineering California’s climate for over a decade……California was the proving grounds for a military style Climate weapon ! HARP !
Prayers for them
Michael Rel Jr Got that right, biggest offenders? Libs!!!
I’m typing slow so people can keep up, frac waste water is pumped thousands of feet below the level of any treatable drinking water.
congrats,…NESTLE OWNS YOU!