If you live in California and don’t keep bottled water in your home and don’t plan on leaving, you would be wise to purchase some as soon as possible. Besides the drought that has beleaguered California now for years, the water supply itself is now contaminated with poisonous wastewater from nearby fracking sites. It can be deathly poisonous for humans if drunk untreated, and there’s no sign that anything will be done to remove the toxins anytime soon.
Get the wet details on page 2.
any one love this post as much as i do?
El Nino will fix that. It will fill the aquifers, the lakes, the reservoirs. Unfortunately, there will also be mudslides and devastating disasters like that. But hey, at least they will have water, right?
Here’s a news flash for y’all. California is a desert. Only the toughest sheep will survive there, the rest will leave there for other places. The one world government already bought your politicians and they sold you out to line their own pockets. You are slated for depopulation.. Either fight or die.
Stop lying I got family that lives there that says every thing is fine.
Gov. Jerry Brown says it all.
A big state, commiefornia is. But some are drinking p**p water cause of the faked drought.
Lisa Lee dont drink the water . Keep the toilet lid down so Preston and your Boy friend dont drink out of it.
Who cares? In a few years, California will slide into the ocean anyway!!
I call BS! How many cities across the U.S. have & use waste water treatment plants, or “recycle” human waste, run it through a treatment process and the water goes back into the cities water supply that all homes on the cities water use for everyday purposes, including cooking and consuming. Now if those treatment plants can do that, they cannot handle treating water from “nearby franking sites???