LeBron James Slams President Trump: ‘We’re not going to let one person dictate us’

LeBron James sure has a strange way of “unifying”, if that’s what you want to call it:

James said, “Obviously I’ve been very outspoken and well spoken about the situation that’s going on at the helm here, and we’re not going to let one person dictate us, us as Americans, how beautiful and how powerful we are as a people.”

It certainly was nice of James to add that he’s been “well spoken,” in addition to being outspoken.

The three-time NBA champ and future Hall of Famer continued, “No matter the skin color, no matter the race, no matter who you are, I think we all have to understand that having equal rights and being able to stand for something and speak for something and keeping the conversation going.”
Now I am not personally offended by LeBron’s statements despite being a ‘deplorable’. Nothing is more fundamentally American than the right to state your opinion in the public sphere without fear of losing employment or pre-contracted endorsements.
Lord only knows what I’d love to say about Barack Hussein Obama on national television.
But having said that, what type of a moron thinks it’s a smart idea to go on national television and potentially alienate half of their fan base? 
‘Deplorables’ have every right to be pissed as hell at how he disparaged their President. And more likely than not, they are going to let LeBron James know that with their dollars.



  1. R. Lucero

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