Rep. Duncan Hunter, (R-CA), stated on Fox News recently that at least 10 Islamic State jihadists have been caught attempting to enter the southern U.S. border. How many have already made it through?
Hunter also states that nobody is talking about it.
Unbelievable right? We play ISIS up to be our worst boogyman, yet we don’t even seal the border when we know they are coming across and nobody even talks about it.
Well, it’s quite believable if you take a look at the agenda of the Obama admin and the other Marxists running our government and our world.
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These are the children that the Democrats want us to embrase? Well I hope you like Ebola-Obamas hope and change!
More complete BS from T&A! That you people would believe ANYTHING coming from this ignorant group is exactly what is wrong with AMERICA!
T&A is it’s own special brand of stupid!
Thanks to that person in the wh
Obama is a menace!
I’d love to see the comments from all of you if this was happening during Bush’s administration. Bet over half would be saying he would be doing the wrong thing, even if he was doing what Obama is. You partisans are hilarious! And what do you all mean, how can you close the borders? Just look at how EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DOES IT! See: China, Mexico ( try and sneak in to Mexico and see what happens ), Niger ( that’s how they stopped Ebola from spreading in their country, look it up, them and Senegal ) and that is just to name a few. You act like borders cannot be closed and that’s just ignorant. Maybe not totally, but you could make a HUGE difference. You’re all just making excuses.
you called them boogymen… do you know that it means that it is a childish fear and nothing more…. and you admit it…. what do you gain by stirring up irrational fears? oh, right, I forgot….
Go get em!
This is a big fat lie!
Such a false article to stir up the clueless.