Next time you take a flight you might want to be careful not to groom yourself or gaze down too much, otherwise you could get detained as a possible terrorist.
A once-secret, 92-page TSA document reveals the criteria will be used to identify you as a terrorist or not. Much of the supposed red flags are quite normal human behaviors and functions, such as whistling, excessive yawning, complaining, looking down, having a recently shaved face, having ‘staring eyes’, bad body odor, repetitive grooming gestures, etc.
get rid of tsa, loosing your rights.
exactly right Donald!
Donald, that’s exactly what I’m saying. If people stopped flying because of it that would change things. Americans don’t stand up for anything anymore though. They require you to go through the airport to get to the plane and put TSA between you and where you need to go So in effect you do have to go through them. However if more people didn’t fly because of it then yes they would put a stop to it. That’s why I do not fly anymore. I refuse to be searched at someone’s will like that.
But they can stop you from boarding a commercial plane, you have to get in the plane from a “secured area” the entrance to the secured area is through TSA. Only if it is a private plane you do not have to be violated by TSA.
Yes but if you tell the security officer he can not search you a really cop has to. The more the real cops have to the more the burden on them to do so. The more the resistance the more the burden to them along with airlines lousing money how long do you think it would last? Lawful search is all you have to state. Am I under arrest what crime do you suspect me of I do not consent to search.The fact you are taking a plane trip is not a fact of crime are consent.
Anybody may be POINT–TARGET–EVEN the CHILD–the TERRORIST are MURDERERS–they DON”T Care—(Don”t MAKE Mistake).
Prevent BEFORE than THINGS is HAPPENING;When Things HAPPEN is TO LATE; T.S.A.JOB is NOT EASY –They Risk their LIVE ON Daily BASIS.
The biggest terrorists in the air ports are the TSA sex crazed agents.
is that a muslim TSA?
Perhaps the TSA has NO IDEA at all what to look for with this strange (to the TSA)thing profiling. What we need is to have the Isrealies teach us how to profile properly.