Leaked Report Shows Migrants Committed 200,000+ Crimes Between 2014 and 2015

Leaked Report Shows Migrants Committed 200,000+ Crimes Between 2014 and 2015

In an incident sure to add to the egg covering German governmental agencies’ faces, the German newspaper Bild got hold of a report intended solely for internal governmental consumption discussing and analyzing the numbers of crimes committed by refugees between 2014 and 2015.

Delving deeper into the numbers, the total amount of crimes reported was 208,344.  That high figure of course leaves out the flood of rapes and sexual assaults committed in Cologne and other cities on New Year’s Eve.  Those almost five hundred (468) rapes and assaults triggered a public outcry against the Muslim and African rapefugees, which is in fact why I use that specific term “rapefugee.’

In the wake of the Cologne rape spree, the most galling part of the government’s reaction was the way they censored and filtered the news to try and hide the events.  That of course proved that, as we first heard during Watergate “The cover up is worse than the crime.”  Since the German people had been relatively quiet about objecting to things before that orgy of rape and assault was dismissed and downplayed.  Continue on to see a breakdown of what sort of crimes the report discusses, and who’s committing the most of them.

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  1. lisahawkss

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