Leaked Report Shows Migrants Committed 200,000+ Crimes Between 2014 and 2015

Of the 208,344 crimes the report discusses, almost a third (32%) were asset or fraud offenses, exactly a third (33%) were theft and property crimes, 1% were documented sex crimes, and the remainder divided up between all other categories of crime.  Quoting from BizPac Review:

What the document shows primarily is that refugees are responsible for 208,344 crimes.

A total of 32 percent of those crimes were related to asset or fraud offenses, and another 33 percent were due to theft. Of the total number of crimes, only 1 percent, or 1,688, had anything to do with sexual offenses. There were 458 cases of serious sexual assault, which includes either rape or coercion.

Not all ethnic groups were equal in the amount of crimes committed. Viewed proportionally, there were more offenders from Eritrea, Nigeria and countries from the Balkans like Serbia and Albania. In absolute numbers, Syrians committed 24 percent of refugee crimes, but Serbs only comprised 2 percent of the refugee population and managed to account for an incredible 13 percent of crimes.

So based on this leaked report, the refugees managed to more than double the number of sex assaults in one day on New Year’s Eve.



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