The conduct of the Democratic party in regards to Benghazi has been nothing short of disgraceful, but newly-leaked documents demonstrate how truly low they have sunk in their efforts to protect Hillary Clinton.
In a series of leaks of sensitive Democratic documents, a hacker by the name of Guccifer 2.0 published items obtained from Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s computer. The document, which deals with the question of the Benghazi attacks, apparently served as a guide for Democrats to follow when discussing the subject.
Although it paid lip service to the memory of the four Americans who lost their lives in the attack, the memo was mainly concerned with how party members would go about casting doubt on the credibility of people asking questions about the government’s handling of the matter, characterizing Republican calls for investigations as “pandering to conspiracy theorists.”
Learn more about the leaked Benghazi document on the next page:
she’s another putrid democratic dinosaur that should be voted out or removed from office.
Trump/Pence 2016!
Deny it all you want! There are plenty of other reasons to arrest lyin killary.
Guess you forgot about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yeah Democrats are perfect.
IF YOU KNOW Anyone who’s voting for Hillary Clinton, they should carefully think about what life in the United States will be like if she’s elected!
Ask them to ponder these questions:
1. How will Hillary eliminating the coal industry which can result in the plants that run on this fuel to be shut down and cause power outages be a wise decision for America?
2. Is it economically prosperous for an American to have his or her job taken away and given to the cheaper labor Hillary has successfully imported from another country?
3. As Hillary continues her rapid influx of Islamic Muslims, will that have a negative or positive effect in our communities where American citizens routinely gather?
4. Hillary wants to allow more aliens into the United States, will this have a negative or positive effect on the welfare programs designated to help the Americans in need?
5. Does Hillary acknowledge that by increasing the number of foreigners into America it will eventually reduce the social and health benefits available to American citizens?
6. Has Hillary thought about the impact her growing amount of non-English speaking aliens will have on our kids at their schools or in the recreational facilities they attend?
7. Is Hillary diligent in keeping the United States safe when she willfully encourages the admittance of refugees from countries that are actively seeking to kill Americans?
8. Terrorists groups that attack law enforcement, destroy cities and injure innocent people like Black Lives Matter, with Hillary in charge will they become weaker or stronger?
9. As Hillary increases the Muslim refugee invasion from state to state until America is dominated by Islam, will Hillary allow the Muslims to enforce Sharia Law nationwide?
10. Will Hillary allow her Middle East donors to pick certain Muslim Jihadis to start up more terrorist training camps here as in Red House Virginia and Dearborn Michigan?
Hey old woman just too bad it wasn’t your husband your son there at Benghazi or a grandkid just too damn bad you would look at her the same way now
Keith Halstead, it’s funny when low informed democrats blame Islamic attacks on Bush and Cheney and worship the president who kisses more Muslim$#%&!@*than Osama Bin Laden’s wives.
I saw the (D) Rep from Amer. Samoa at one hearing.
She’s a horrible person. What kind of a person actually votes for her? What a scary thought. Vote Trump!