The conduct of the Democratic party in regards to Benghazi has been nothing short of disgraceful, but newly-leaked documents demonstrate how truly low they have sunk in their efforts to protect Hillary Clinton.
In a series of leaks of sensitive Democratic documents, a hacker by the name of Guccifer 2.0 published items obtained from Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s computer. The document, which deals with the question of the Benghazi attacks, apparently served as a guide for Democrats to follow when discussing the subject.
Although it paid lip service to the memory of the four Americans who lost their lives in the attack, the memo was mainly concerned with how party members would go about casting doubt on the credibility of people asking questions about the government’s handling of the matter, characterizing Republican calls for investigations as “pandering to conspiracy theorists.”
Learn more about the leaked Benghazi document on the next page:
I wish someone would dismiss Pelosi.
The picture of our ambassador being raped with a stick was not a conspiracy theory!!!! That picture is here to stay!!!
These people are all obviously fucking crazy . Wake up people , these people in no way represent anyone except perhaps the people who fund their mentally ill stupid asses into office . WAKE UP , in no way are these batshit crazy soulless zombie fucktards leaders of anything .
Hillary and Obama do not give two shits for blacks, Latinos, Asians, whites, women, gays, children, Veterans, elderly, Americans, etc., don’t fool your self. She’s been paid to flood the country with illegal alien Muslims. And fund them with our tax money. Also sway the laws for them, Obama is one. And Khan does their paperwork for citizenship. Be careful or we’ll all end up bowing to Allah.
dumb bitch
Another nut
I refuse to let this die because they don`t want to hear the truth!!!!!!
She is brain dead as are her supporters.