Racism is an equal opportunity offense. It knows no boundaries. Whenever someone or a group makes the claim that one racial group is superior to another, or deserves different treatment than others, you’re headed for trouble.
The hope is that, as a society, America is past that sort of thing. Sure, there will always be some fringe group spewing racial hatred, but as long they remain at the fringe and are thoroughly rejected, their impact will be virtually nil as it should be.
The election of our first black president should have been another milestone demonstrating that any barriers to advancement based on race are history. Unfortunately, as an upcoming video purports to show, that does not seem to be the case.
Steven Bowles, he’s on every post spewing his nonsense. Can’t argue with somebody with his mentality.
He is on just about every post spewing his hatred and mentality. Can’t argue with people that have that kind of perspective in life.
Chris Leonard
Chris Leonard
Looking at your page Chris Leonard, you’re the racist pu$$y grabber. It was locker room talk. I’m sure you’ve said worse. It’s a shame that’s all you snowflakes have on Trump. Check this out.
No truer statement ever spoken! With freedom comes responsibility to self govern, accept rules, and be governed within your own peers or in this case race. When those outside set parameters or even criticise blacks scream racism no matter how foul, absurd, irresponsible, or hanous their behaviour. The only real help must come within the black community as a result of caring for young and teaching them respect for authority, dicipline, accountability, monogomy, fathers working and at home with their kids! Any one with a good eye and the basic skill of observation can see the opposite is happening on a grand scale.
Jon Michael Philip