Racism is an equal opportunity offense. It knows no boundaries. Whenever someone or a group makes the claim that one racial group is superior to another, or deserves different treatment than others, you’re headed for trouble.
The hope is that, as a society, America is past that sort of thing. Sure, there will always be some fringe group spewing racial hatred, but as long they remain at the fringe and are thoroughly rejected, their impact will be virtually nil as it should be.
The election of our first black president should have been another milestone demonstrating that any barriers to advancement based on race are history. Unfortunately, as an upcoming video purports to show, that does not seem to be the case.
Doug Gajda
……as y’all call him a Muslim n*gg*r, y’all are offended ?
If supremacist means I believe everyone should pull their own weight, vote based on credentials rather than color, the POS should be Christian as the country was birthed from such, and America should come first if your American, I’m all in!
Smoke that crack
Exactly and democrats arn’t smart enough to understand this new thing called sarcasm. Soon you’ll have then believing they developed something. Interesting the continent is rich rich rich. Diamonds, oil, good land and growing seasons, good coasts, safari land and jungles, iron and salt deposits, trees. Literally an oasis yet on their own they produced no sewage systems, passable roads, seaworthy ships, no schools, no monuments, no multi level buildings, No masonry just grass and stick structures, no public schools, no medical or medicine, no avaiation, no rail systems, etc. No real civilization, just disease chaos , and famine. Barry o the muslim showed his true colors by trying to drag America down. Maybe Trump can make American great again.
Tell it brother, I’m not scared either. Islam is pure evil.
He has definitely committed many many blatant acts of treason and still ccontinues.