Racism is an equal opportunity offense. It knows no boundaries. Whenever someone or a group makes the claim that one racial group is superior to another, or deserves different treatment than others, you’re headed for trouble.
The hope is that, as a society, America is past that sort of thing. Sure, there will always be some fringe group spewing racial hatred, but as long they remain at the fringe and are thoroughly rejected, their impact will be virtually nil as it should be.
The election of our first black president should have been another milestone demonstrating that any barriers to advancement based on race are history. Unfortunately, as an upcoming video purports to show, that does not seem to be the case.
Well let’s see with the ferment of action I don’t know why this comment was made. In the 70s my husband was denied a job because he was not black. I think people should earn what they get. People should be judged on qualifications not the color of the skin. So obummer stick a sock in it!!!!!!!
Racist pos fraud treasonous traitor
Obama is a pig !!!
I’m sad that he thinks that.
I think some people are superior to others, not because of the color of their skin but by their character.
Traitor he is.
He should have stayed there.
What ever happened to that old famous gentleman’s club , the K K K ? They could do some real good here !
I’m deeply saddened just by looking at him