Racism is an equal opportunity offense. It knows no boundaries. Whenever someone or a group makes the claim that one racial group is superior to another, or deserves different treatment than others, you’re headed for trouble.
The hope is that, as a society, America is past that sort of thing. Sure, there will always be some fringe group spewing racial hatred, but as long they remain at the fringe and are thoroughly rejected, their impact will be virtually nil as it should be.
The election of our first black president should have been another milestone demonstrating that any barriers to advancement based on race are history. Unfortunately, as an upcoming video purports to show, that does not seem to be the case.
That is his true feelings.
Certainly better than him at being POTUS.
Any minority group or individuals that feel that there is a stereotype of whites being superior, should look at their own race and ask themselves how they can intelligently change that.
Feeling oppressed will not do it, protesting or creating destructive movements and voicing demands will not do it, taking a knee to the flag of the country you live in and them taking advantage of government assistance, welfare programs certainly will not advance you past this stereotype.
If you want to change it all, take race out of the equation and realize you are living in the land off freedom and opportunity, show initiative, determination and a strong desire to assure that you will not fall within that stereotypical category. Respect and treat everyone in a way as you would expect to be treated. If you see or dream of yourself as being successful, reach out and take that success, but do not be afraid to do everything that is rightfully asked of you to achieve it.
Sadie Jo Coenen Hill You’re right. He makes me sick.
Pot head racist!
And He has none!
I’m deeply saddened that a black president is still irrelevant .
What a joke.