Both Hillary Clinton and her supporters seems to have a problem with premature celebrating, as demonstrated both before and on election night. And while it was no secret that there were journalists camping out with the Clintons on the night Donald Trump won the presidency, it is a mystery why none of their footage or articles were released, or why Hillary Clinton didn’t show up that night to concede. But fear not, that mystery has been solved.
Like anybody sitting on top of a secret or story so juicy it could help make a name for themselves, things eventually started to leak, proving that even left-leaning journalists can be bought for a price and the promise of fame. Multiple sources are now claiming that Hillary went into a drunken rage on election night after seeing her numbers drop. And the next day, she blamed it on President Obama and FBI Director Comey. I thought that her and Obama were best friends, and that she was innocent?
Apparently not.
Then a video leaked that really put the nail on the disgrace coffin.
Check it out on the next page.
America should truly Thank God for allowing us to didge that bullet.
oops. All that $ spent and lies told and it all turned to$#%&!@*
Cheater said noithing about getting debate questions in advance. Can you even imagine the field day the Left woukd still be having if Trump was caught in a major scandal such as this???
HA HA Number one and number two SNOWFLAKE
^ Mary Frink, he talked the talk, but he didn’t walk the walk, like Ole SLICK Willy, Billy.
Is the new AG Sessions going to appoint a grand jury and investigate Hillay and the Clinton foundation , or are the republicans just blowing smoke
Don’t forget about the $7,000,000 worth of fireworks…