WikiLeaks has been a veritable treasure trove of juicy information in the world of politics and a constant thorn in the side of the government, who for all of their effort, can’t erase things at the same speed they’re being released.
The release of Democratic National Committee emails by WikiLeaks on Friday confirmed what many conservatives were already thinking. As it turns out, DNC officials have been planning many of the anti-Donald Trump protests we’ve been seeing all over the country.
Shock and surprise.
Okay, so maybe it’s not that surprising. It’s like when somebody cranks the handle on a jack-in-the-box. We all know what’s coming out, it’s the timing we don’t know. And the timing for this particular leak couldn’t have been better. With the Democratic National Convention in full swing this week, there’s no greater time for a few skeletons open that closet door.
Those liberal puppet masters think they’re so clever, but the signs were obvious. With earlier reports stating that Bill Clinton has been getting money from some rather shady places to fund his wife’s campaign. And what about the ads on craigslist that were offering fifteen dollars an hour to people who show up at Trump rallies?
Desperation is a stinky cologne.
Find out who the DNC is using to protest on the next page.
You Think?! How else do you think they got the money for the Effigies like the one in your picture? Hillary stated in her speech Yesterday (25th July 2016) to the VFW that she would not help any countries that ‘Hate the USA’…But, she accepts money from them. I think that needs to be made extremely clear to as many people as possible. 4 years as the SOS and only using her Undocumented and Private Server Only, and there was not one ‘Classified’, ‘Top-Secret’, or Sensitive eMail that passed through it? Unlikely! She’s guilty, even more so than Petraeus! This is Exactly why we as a country cannot allow this individual into the highest office in the land.
Does this surprise anyone….Hillary has already said she is held to a different standard than the rest of us….I guess that standard is “No consequences for any illegal actions…like Treason, Lying while under oath…oh and lets not forget MURDER”
Lock Her Up !!!
What’s. New?
I agree it’s rigged, But vote anyway, Trump / pence 2016 !!!
The DNC officials belong in a 3rd world, banana republic.
And that$#%&!@*Hillary was trying to blame Trump for those protesters!!! I can’t stand her!!!
If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in millions of refugees that believe gays should be executed?
If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary when she defends Planned Parenthood and admires Margaret Sanger, who wanted to abort as many black babies as possible and exterminate the black race because they are like “weeds.” Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bill’s rape victims under the rug. As an attorney, Hillary also defended the rapist of a 12-year old girl and laughed about it later. She plays the woman-card and acts entitled; implying that she deserves your vote merely because of her sex. How is that gender neutral?
If you have are a Miner, Steelworker or have a Factory job, why are you voting for Hillary when she supported NAFTA and TPP, and workers are being laid off because jobs are going overseas? She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with your tax money and compete for our jobs. Hillary boasts that under her administration miners and steelworkers will lose their jobs.
If you are a Law abiding citizen, how can you vote for Hillary when she is clearly above the law? Hillary deleted thousands of secret e-mails *after* they had been subpoenaed by the courts (illegal). Hillary kept thousands of classified and top secret e-mails on her private server; servers that had less security that g-mail and Hotmail. You can be sure Russia, Iran, and China have those now. The DNC clearly broke the rules by heavy-handedly favoring Hillary over Sanders while they were still competing for the nomination.
If you are a Veteran, in the military, or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help, but the help was told to stand down. Furthermore, Hillary wants to eliminate the NRA, take away your guns, and abolish the second amendment?
Who is left?
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