The Democratic National Committee has been embarrassed by the release of emails that were captured from their email server. The release shows that the fix was in from the beginning to select Hillary Clinton as the Democrat presidential candidate regardless of voter preferences, a fact that has Bernie Sanders supporters furious. It shows that Democrat leadership is bigoted and biased against the religion and race of certain individuals, in spite of perpetually claiming to the be party of minorities and the forgotten.
And it also shows that the Democrats have the United States up for sale to the highest bidder.
Hillary Clinton will once again claim no knowledge of this scheme, which makes one wonder what she actually does know and how she can be president when she is so ignorant of everything going on around her.
More on WikiLeaks email disclosures on page 2:
Die bitch
Donald Trump has pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton again nationally, according to one poll released Thursday.
According to Rasmussen’s latest polling, Trump is at 40 percent, Clinton is at 39 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 7 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein is at 3 percent. Three percent in the poll are supporting someone else while 7 percent say they are still undecided.
Most recent national polls have Clinton, the Democratic nominee, ahead of Trump, the Republican nominee. Rasmussen’s poll released last week had
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Hillary is a lying corrupt no good politician. People voting for her just don’t care about this country’s future.
Remember when the Democrats was the party for the working people ? Now their just into lining their own pockets and power over all ! Now they think we are to stupid to know what we want , so they decide for us ! NOT ANY MORE FOR ME ! We should end this party before the give us away too !
Mary Jane is in Cleveland.
Trump will get my vote !
Yes. Disgusting creature.
Only behind Trump and his entire camp of blinded monkeys.