That Wikileaks and its founder have generated some controversy is a whale of an understatement. Whatever you think of them, the “leaks” have provided some rare insights into the people and organizations that seek to control our lives. Think that’s overstating the case? If so, you probably haven’t been paying attention. Or you’ve been getting your “news” from the wrong sources.
So tune in on page two to get an insider’s look at what these power-brokers are chatting about. Warning: You won’t like it.
They can’t explain what’s happening or understand it in Trump winning because they just don’t know who they’re up against or neither does any of the wicked. Hallelujah, we the Christians are His sheep and we do already have a Shepherd but His name is Jesus, not Hillary, Obama, or nobody else on the face of the earth. Are they in for a rude awakening very soon that’s going to astound many and leave them in awe at Gods’ Almighty hand in action upon our lives. Psalms 23! The good news is we are winners whether we stay or whether we go but God is not going to let them off the hook easy for their worst is yet to come after we’re out of here and the spirit of the Lord no longer dwells or strives with man. They will then be fighting amongst themselves because we, the Christians won’t be here no more for them to pick on or blame for their wrong doings. God said it… that settles it!
They have already turned Killary’s supporters into sheep. If they want to prove they are not, then vote for Trump.
She murder Bernie Sanders lawyer that was serving the women that let Hillary see the questions for the second speeches see also had a wire the first time and also had the questions
We know and understand better than the dumocrats think we do as evidenced by her deplorable and unredeemable comments. She has little room to call names but we could care less. We know what she is and what she has planned for this country and it has nothing to do with us, stronger together is what she wants with her world government participation for us. Never happen.
Hell does have a special place for Hillary but Hillary will obviously continue her policy and demand room service !!!
This should p**s off all of us deplorable people!! If not,,please wake up and smell the disaster if she wins.
Hillary slumlord Clinton evil corrupt despicable waste of oxygen to the human race Trump is the only chance of Hope sorry the information is out there your big fat lie got Mark to you and that flow let it on your eyebrow you’re done.!! Trump 2016 vote Trump Pence
A nation of sheeple