That Wikileaks and its founder have generated some controversy is a whale of an understatement. Whatever you think of them, the “leaks” have provided some rare insights into the people and organizations that seek to control our lives. Think that’s overstating the case? If so, you probably haven’t been paying attention. Or you’ve been getting your “news” from the wrong sources.
So tune in on page two to get an insider’s look at what these power-brokers are chatting about. Warning: You won’t like it.
He’s done a good job on himself!
citizens United you mean jerk
It is painfully obvious that politicians and the citizens of this country live in different universes. Sheep, sheeple, uninformed, low information, uninterested and stupid Americans. We are playing right into their hands. This is the reason Trump has resonated with so many. He is not a politician and doesn’t have preconceived notions about various groups of people. The grassroots have grabbed onto him and run straight for the presidency. He needs our support and our vote. Your senators or congress not supporting him, do not vote for them. They need to learn a painful lesson. Americans want their country back. On November 8 make America great again and vote!
you will never turn me into sheep ill say whatever the$#%&!@*i want to and if your offended i dont care
No action is required.
Who to vote for? Trump or Clinton.
Noise everywhere, media screams wolf.
But we’ve heard it before. Heard it so much.
Crying wolf, not knowing what we need is The Lion.
Not the liar.
Weakness exposed, America knows.
Been told to long we’re number one
While our eyes and ears tell us otherwise.
Awoken to their lies.
Reality, no longer dominate, confusion
Wolf wolf, distractions constantly blasted
Never understanding their methods, exposed.
America knows.
Fed up with deception, sheep transformed
Once lead obliviously believing, them deceiving
Determined and unified, refusing their lies.
Americans arise.
Not afraid, wolf? We’re looking for bigger
Looking for meaner, tougher, grittier
Trumps not a wolf, silly media, he’s a Leader
A Lion.
The gig is up guys. They’re panicking trying to smear Trump with stories since day one. Left, Right, and media all in collusion. While one has a bonafide historic record of corrupt actions that get white washed the other who two years ago was being praised, by that same media, says words that were hurtful and inconsiderate and gets lambasted as the “bad” one. Neither are perfect as none of us are but side by side objectively one his far worse.
In a world full of wolfs we don’t need another one, we need a lion. Not a delicate flower who’s gonna put every other nation ahead of us. He won’t say everything right and won’t make the perfect decisions every time, no one will. I’m 100% more confident that he’ll make those decisions with what’s best for America in mind while Hillary has proven to almost exclusively make decisions based on what’s better for Hillary.
So keep up with you’re tired attempts at smearing Trump. I mean it worked so well during the Republican primary that even while running against a record number of opponents Trump received more votes than any Republican ever in a primary.
You tell us to think he’s racist to suggest that better border security is important and we will continue to ignore your pathetically outdated attempt to control American thought with Media that a majority don’t even watch anymore(check their ratings excluding when Trumps involved).
Time after time Hillary went to events that had more open seats than filled ones while trump packs stadiums with tens of thousands. Yet they believe when they put a “poll” out that shows Hillary leading it will discourage you from showing up to vote. That just like in the past they’d do this and people would feel like their candidate has no shot and not go vote. Guess what media, it doesn’t work anymore. We’re to connected to millions of others in every state to buy your garbage “news” anymore.
This doesn’t mean they won’t keep trying though so everyone who thinks its a lock eitherway and the won’t go vote, GO VOTE.
Make this the largest turnout in American history people.
I d like to see her try
Wake up America don’t be a dumbass
Sheep?? Not in your lifetime. We have brains & are not manipulated like your liberal scoundrels!!