Leaked DNC Emails Reveal Democrats Rigged Primary, Colluded Extensively with Media

There are still more emails that Wikileaks intends to release. The Democrats must be shaking in their shoes! But the emails released so far contain the following revelations:

  • There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter
  • There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media
  • There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC

First, a quick recap for those who missed the original report, yesterday Wikileaks released over 19,000 emails and more than 8,000 attachments from the Democratic National Committee. This is what the whistleblower organization reported:

WikiLeaks releases 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee — part one of our new Hillary Leaks series. The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer (3095 emails), Finanace Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish (1472 emails), Finance Director Allen Zachary (1611 emails), Senior Advisor Andrew Wright (938 emails) and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.

Subsequently, the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 (who has denied he works with the Russian government), who has already released hundreds of hacked DNC emails previously, told The Hill he leaked the documents to Wikileaks.

An initial read of the thousands of emails in the data dump reveals top officials at the Democratic National Committee privately plotting to undermine Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, confirming a long-running allegation by the Sanders campaign who has claimed that the DNC and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton during the party’s presidential primary. They also reveal instances of media collusion as well as various questionable instances of fundraising.

The DNC has insisted for months that they were not helping Hillary, but it was obvious that was not true. The emails showed dirty tricks and discussions to use Sanders Jewish heritage to smear him, which is certainly par for the course for Democrats, who see religion as an impediment and distraction that prevents them from gaining more power. Obviously religion would play little role in Hillary’s campaign, just as it is not a factor in her every day life. Given Democrats claim that they respect all groups and religions (but especially Islam) this is a fairly embarrassing revelation.

The main stream press regularly insists that they are professionals who simply report the facts. That is laughable, and it is likely that they will give Hillary a 7 to 10 point advantage in the election with the biased and dishonest way that they “report” the news and aspects about the candidates. It was satisfying to see in Wikileaks that emails went back and forth between the Democrats and news media in which the DNC actually dictated headlines, gave the “correct” spin to stories, and generally proved to anyone paying attention that the media is bought and sold by the Democrats. Professionals they are not. This one is a bombshell, but do not expect to see one word of it reported by the media. It would prove that they should pack their bags and find a new job.
Finally, the DNC sent emails discussing who might host fundraising events. They decided that Roy Black, a billionaire and friend of Bill Clinton and serial molester of underage girls to whom he has paid big bucks to settle scores of allegations, could attend various functions, but could not host them. The DNC is apparently fine with scumbags like Black joining them and donating huge sums of money to the cause, they just have a problem with the optics of having him host a function since it would generate unwelcome focus on the type of person that is attracted to the Democrat party. Sort of like Bill Clinton, though they are stuck with him this election season, and are doing their level best to silence the many women coming forward to restate their stories about Clinton’s sexual escapades and assaults over the years.

Look for new email leaks coming out, and for the press to attempt to ignore them or bury them. But for those who really do believe in transparency and honesty, they will be a breath of fresh air.

Source: zerohedge.com



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