Remember the term, “Clinton Fatigue”? It became popular during Bill’s presidency to describe how tiresome it was to hear of one Clinton scandal after another — a continuous flow of allegations of wrong-doing by not only the president, but by Mrs. Clinton as well. If a week went by without some new nefarious activity surfacing, surely the media must have been missing it, or hiding it.
Leave it to Hillary to keep the tradition going. We’ve suffered through the infamous email scandal, and we can be sure its end is not in sight. There is never a shortage of lies, fraud, and scandal when the Clintons are involved.
This time, though, it might just be Hillary who’s experiencing a new kind of fatigue. While it’s just one more example of her unfitness to serve in any elected capacity, it also has a new twist to it.
bill and hill, the early years. LOL
Crooked lying murderous isis whore hillary needs to be put in jail.
She in la la land
Can we just put her in Assisted Living(it really is no different than what she has now) and move on Making America Great Again??
You must enjoy socializing with the criminal element–you have a lot in common!!!
Obviously another Lie. Her body and mind is failing: Why haven’t we seen any More/New/Modern pictures of Hillary up close? Maybe this has something to do with it?: Hillary has a Medical situation, She fell down earlier in the year and had smashed her head severely which put her out for a while, Her family has a history of Heart Attacks resulting in Death, she has had Blood Clots and is on Blood thinner, then her eyes are crossing more and more, then there’s the Seizures…Oh the Seizures, Then, Recently her Secret Service team had to intervene because she was talking incoherently and was confused, she cannot even ascend a flight of stairs without assistance on both sides. She needs urgent medical attention. And she’s becoming more Disoriented by the day. She’s now wearing ‘Hardware’ to help her amble, but she still needs ‘Handlers’ to stabilize her. How can she even think about being the POTUS if she cannot even have the Stamina to stand at her own Rallies, She needs a Chair now, plus, She is required to wear Glasses to correct her Seizures. and
Lol your very desperate
Hasn’t this country and it’s people had enough of these lying, pandering, corrupt politicians ruining this country.? They’re only in it for themselves and their bank accounts. Term limits and family dynasties limits are needed. Surely she isn’t the best the Dems can come up with. Or is she?
Please, America, save us from the prospect of this witch becoming our next president – if you thought Obama was a failure, this is a serious downgrade! The last thing this country needs is another Democrat in the White House.
Obama has crippled the US economy. Everybody I know is either out of work or under-employed. I haven’t had a raise in years despite all my expenses increasing from year to year. My health insurance is now up to $590/month. Before the government touched it, it was $250/month! My auto insurance, which the government has yet to ruin, is thankfully only $25 per month (from Insurance Panda). Please, Obama! Don’t try to socialize auto insurance!
The official Clinton motto: “Cheat until caught, and then lie!” The Clintons still don’t think that laws apply to them.
She cannot be trusted.
She’s been in public life for over 40 years and needs to go away and be a grandmother for the next 20 years if she lives that long. After all she’s 67 years old and needs to retire . We need new blood.
I don’t think that crooked lying murderous isis whore hillary can make a decision other than to have people killed.