Barack Obama seems to have a weakness for undocumented aliens. His newest suggestion, one that is chocked full of ignorance, is to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees come into the United States. Refugees from places that grow terrorist over night.
Ayman al-Zawahri, of Al Qaeda infamy, was listed as the number 2 “most wanted terrorist” by the US government in 2001 , behind Bin Laden. This same man is calling for “young Muslim men” here in the United States, as well as other Western countries, to attack where they are living. On page two one can read the threats made by Ayman al-Zawahri:
Lone wolf …Hugh?! You know who killed the big bad wolf? That’s right……”the armed american with an ax…..come get some, we are armed with more than an ax in our homes!!!!!
and we are taking in thousands more of them…coincidence?
islam declared war on the world and has fought this war since day one
why ? not all muslims are terrorists, theres crazy people in every religion.
Removing all removes the terrorists which is most of them to start with. Sorry but sometimes it just has to be and this is one of those times.
as long as they test the bomb in their house to make sure it blows up.and then they will probly be raped by 72 vingin demons in hell
scury brown people go boom
When they shut down the cell towers….and turn off the internet…you will know it’s time…..TRUMP is the next President of the United State’s of America get use to it!!!
Kill this animal
All Muslims should be rounded up and get the hell out of here