Was this shooting staged?
Take a look at this photo and look at this CBS news video showing paramedics rushing an injured TSA agent away that was obviously a dummy!
Was this shooting staged?
Take a look at this photo and look at this CBS news video showing paramedics rushing an injured TSA agent away that was obviously a dummy!
YES, it was set up
wow … what a surprise! They stage more s**t then we even know!
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it was.
It does look like a dummy.
It seems like a few more may have been a set up too.
I blew this photo up x6 and I will bet the farm it is a dummy, and this was all staged…
If it were a real person there would be voluntary movement. There was no visible signs of trauma. I know spent 29 plus years as firefighter and worked with manicans for training and it certainly was one.
Its all part of Dictator Obumers plan to take full control over 300 million Americans and the MILITARY. Watch how many people start dying off, if not shot by Homeland security or police , watch how many don’t make it from hospitals. NAZI Germany and Soviet Russia in ACTION.
all these socalled shooting are staged!!!….just a ploy to take away your rights to own a gun..but its going to hurt when they try……”no brag,just facts.”
What is going on in this country???? Sure does look like a dummy.