As Ted Cruz gains traction amongst Republican voters, his opponents are pulling out all the stops to keep him out of the White House.
Apparently, the likelihood that the Texas senator will get the GOP nod and eventually become president is too much for one of Cruz’s fellow Texans. Indeed, this person is mounting the most serious challenge to Cruz’s campaign this past election cycle.
Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz Sr. has officially filed a lawsuit against the Republican candidate arguing that he is not a “natural-born citizen.” The charge in question is very serious as if the relevant authorities rule against Cruz, his run for the presidency will come to a very premature end.
See more information about the lawsuit against Cruz on the next page:
That’s why Arnold swarznagger couldn’t run for president cause he was born in Austria
I am deeply troubled at how many Americans, having the gone to school and some to University plus having internet access do NOT know the difference between Immigration requirements to be a US citizen and the Constitutional requirement to be a natural born citizen of the USA. How China and Russia and all of the world’s leaders are shaking their heads and laughing in derision at this controversy. The educated are trying to educate and the under educated are running around like Henny Penny asking for the SCOTUS to make a ruling. SCOTUS is shaking their heads in derision because it has already been challenged and ruled on by SCOTUS in 1875. ALL SCOTUS can do is uphold the LAW of the Constitution. So read it already. a 7th grader can or should be able to understand that to be President or Vice President, a child has to be born to 2 US citizens and born in the USA (or on a US MIlitary installation.) This is stupidity to try to get people to give up and wash their hands and not vote. All it is doing is making voters more determined to stand up for the Law of the Constitution and vote for the Natural Born citizen. Ted Cruz may be a nice guy and so might Marco Rubio and they are US citizens or so it appears, but they are not Natural Born as put forth in the Constitution. Exit the back of the bus. Go back to the Senate floor and represent the people in the manner that you are qualified for. Is that too much maturity and honesty to ask?
Get him out!
You Are too Late, that should have been Obama!
Knowing our court system today, Cruz will probably be disqualified.We have a Kenyan in the white house and Hillary should be in jail, but that’s ok
All my donations stopped till decision by Supreme Court….
Chris, Cruz only gave up his Canadian citizenship 15 months ago.
Kathy Woody Cruz is NOT A natural born citizen .He just gave up his Canadian citizenship 15 months ago. At the time of his birth his father & mother was on the Canadian citizenship list & the Canadian voters list. Cruz is NOT eligible . Their is also another federal lawsuit against Cruz in Vermont . Maybe you should do your homework.
Kathy Woody Also Cruz didn’t report his loans for his campaign for Senator. It was 1 million dollars . His excuse was he forgot. How do you forget 1 million dollars & It wasn’t until 4 years later it was uncovered.
It will be good for the race to establish this one way or the other quickly in a court.