As expected, George Soros is soldiering on in his life’s mission of creating a global society complete with supra-national government bodies directing the nations of the world. This isn’t some fantasy, it’s just the conclusion drawn from carefully putting the pieces together. He does nothing to build strong, stable nations, but works in the exact opposite direction. The result he desires is furthered by the weakening of nation-states and the empowering of global bodies such as the UN.
As long as he remains as a billionaire financier of the left, he remains an opponent of freedom-loving people everywhere. His tactics may change, and the people and institutions he choose to oppose might shift, but his goals remain. He continues as a negative influence on our Constitutional Republic, and must be exposed as such.
He has made it clear that he sees Mr. Trump as a threat to his social engineering and redistributive policies. Having seen his dreams of installing Hillary Clinton in the presidency ruined at the hands of Donald Trump and his supporters, he’s turned his attention to disrupting the Trump administration. More on page two.
Well they will have to go through the III % FIRST
Send Soros to state pen doing HARD LABOR..
This poor excuse for a human being was never elected to any thing by the people of this country. He does not speak for us and needs to be shut down. Just because he’s got money doesn’t give him the right to control our future. He’s the reason the people of this country voted for Trump. We’re tired of the communist left trying to make this country a totalitarian dictatorship. RESIST SOROS’ RESISTANCE OF THE LEFT. SHUT HIM DOWN!!!
It’s all going to be wasted money. Millions of dollars wasted when the Supremes uphold the US Constitution and strike down the “hold” on President Trump’s right to decide who can and who can’t come into the country.
Vicki Becker he had stollen identity! Don’t bother!
Call your congress men and women today!
Do something about it! Oh wait we have Obummer,killary and that gang running free still cause in America the rich arent accountable for thier actions!
Hunt him down charge him try him convict him sentence him and fry him NEXT
Cynthia Clouatre, The Liberal media is gaslighting their viewers.
Robert Nicolazzo, Give it up, you believed Obama.