The more we examine Obamacare the worse it gets. Not only is it beset with bureaucratic problems such as federal agencies unable to communicate with each other to coordinate benefits as people move from Obamacare to Medicare due to age or disability, but the system itself has been funded in bizarre, if not highly questionable ways. It’s a case of an administration and its congressional allies investing so much of their credibility on the line on this program that it had to be funded, even if that meant bending the rules.
And bending the rules is precisely what happened. This should come as no surprise and is revealed on page two.
You Are Too Stupid For Words…
Thank you, I was having a really bad day, and you’re ignorant comment made me roll in the floor with laughter!
Hey Weldon……………..can I send YOU my medical bills? obamacare sucks….Obama sucks….and you are a fucking idiot.
Haha o better not not not
Creepy guy
I believe it !
Isn’t it about y me that we turn on this man that caused a rift between the races and sold us out. How much money did he take? They talk about billions missing and made Iran a nuclear power. Its time we take him in and while we are at it arrest Hillary too. She makes my skin crawl.
That POS stole money from every single one of us here in America! Nothing but a f**e,traitor,liar,& thief!
Nothing but a Muslim traitor!
I heard he robbed Medicare.