Carry a sizeable amount of cash with you through the airport isn’t save – it could be seized and never returned to you without you ever being charged with a crime.
This is what happened to 24-year-old Charles Clarke. Now, he is fighting to get his life savings back, but 13 law enforcement agencies are all demanding a cut of his money.
Ain’t it tho.
This is basically felony theft
New lawn mower just got paid for!!
This is so wrong, but we have lost everything else now they gonna take your money to.
Award the man 7x damages or the police will start hanging out at the airport checking everyone coming in and out of Reno and Los Vegas.
9,999 max no worrys
I may self may fly out to get a good deal on a one ton pickup and a cab over camper that could set me back twice that amount used. With cash in hand i may be able to get a better deal but i wont be chancing anything in that state.
This is just so wrong!
To have money is illegal ??
That is not lawful to do!!!