Carry a sizeable amount of cash with you through the airport isn’t save – it could be seized and never returned to you without you ever being charged with a crime.
This is what happened to 24-year-old Charles Clarke. Now, he is fighting to get his life savings back, but 13 law enforcement agencies are all demanding a cut of his money.
I believe if THEY do it, it’s called “civil forfeiture” ooooo fancy legal stick-up in other words
unbelievable….so unfair
Happens way more than you know
Carry a large sum of cash is seen as drug money, paraphernalia.
it should be…the MF’s
They say Tennessee is the worse about stealing people’s money
get lawyers
They took 33,000 from me without a charge that made it to court, never got it back either..
I just read another one where they seized 16,000. no charges nor was he a suspect. I guess all you need is to travel with a lot of cash.