Carry a sizeable amount of cash with you through the airport isn’t save – it could be seized and never returned to you without you ever being charged with a crime.
This is what happened to 24-year-old Charles Clarke. Now, he is fighting to get his life savings back, but 13 law enforcement agencies are all demanding a cut of his money.
Next time carry traveler’s checks.
You know what’s sad, there’s still a lot of Ediths out there..scary..
10, 000.00. Know the rules. Everyone these days seem to have an excuse or a reason why “they” are special and don’t have to obey the law.
This is a non-issue.
Should have never made the news. UNLESS HE WAS GONNA GIVE IT TO TERRORISM GROUPS.
Agreed. I don’t feel sorry at all.
Wss probably gonna give it to terrorists.
Yep. Non issue. Prob gonma give it to ISIS.
No. Just can’t leace with more than 10 grand. Thats been the law for a long time.
Non issue. He should serve jail time as well. Follow the law.
Been going on for years.
He was probably taking it to the IRS.
I never knew that there was a law about how much cash a person can carry. Just another way to control the people and rob the people.