Things just got serious in North Dakota, and if they continue at the rate they’re going, they may get very, very ugly as well.
For the past month or so, the nation’s attention has been captured by the bands of protestors gathering near the Standing Rock Indian reservation. Claiming that a planned pipeline would contaminate the water the resident Native Americans drink, the demonstrators have gathered in support of them and urged construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline to cease. Supporters of the pipeline, however, maintain that it doesn’t actually run through the reservation and that a number of similar lines already exist in the area.
Regardless of where one stands on the issue, the possibility for escalation between the protestors and law enforcement should give anyone who considers themselves concerned with justice pause and make them pray for a peaceful resolution.
Learn more about law enforcement’s response to the Standing Rock protests on the next page:
The protesters camp is , on Corps.of Engineers land. The camp is not on the designated reservation. The pipeline route is on private land that has has a designated utility right of way for years. In fact there are powerlines and other pipelines on that right of way. The Army Corps of Engineers have told the protesters to vacate the camp for safety reasons. The protesters state they will not move. So be it.
I hope you all realize this situation reflects on “We the People”. Why you ask? This country is a Republic where “We the People” are the government and it is our fault for letting this happen. This is the kind of c**p We have let Obama get away with for the past 7 years and 10 months. Aren’t you fed up yet, or are “We the People” going to stand quiet and let things like this continue to go on.
Randy Gaunt Exactly…millions of miles of pipelines carrying water, sewerage, storm water, natural gas, oil, phone lines, electrical lines, etc.
The people should be helping the protesters in this matter.
Walt Schroeder broaden horizons, maybe even spill something on a hillside
Mark Wedemann That’s what they are mad about. They all thought they would become must-millionaires…now not so much.
According to a treaty signed with them by the U.S. government in 1851 it is their land, but the Fed’s broke that too
A step up from Clinton that murdered those at Waco Texas in the 90’s !!!!!!!!!!!!
Time for a military style air drop
Garry Kellogg … the chances of a break in the River ROW is slim to none. The line is being directionally bored far beneath the river bottom. Maybe the Indians should have paid attention to the actual construction means and methods used to install the line, rather then expecting to become millionaires because of a pipeline being built to more SAFELY carry oil to Chicago for all of our use including the Indians!