Latinos Rally for Trump at “Operation Taco Bowl”

Asked as to why they support Trump when so many Hispanics do not, the rally attendees explained that, like most Americans, Latinos are brainwashed by biased media coverage into believing that the GOP candidate doesn’t have their best interests at heart. But as the attendees made clear, they are doing their best to push back against these lies:

“’I am so glad that Latinos are speaking out about what is going on,’ Chanel, a self-described ‘activist in the black community,’ said at the podium in front of Anaheim City Hall:

It’s a disappointment. We both kind of serve the same message because we have both been used by the Democratic Party. The black community, also the Latino community. They promised the Latinos amnesty June the 23rd; that did not come true. So that’s a sign that you were used. My people have been used for years. And to tell you the truth, I’m an escapee from the Democratic plantation.

A white man at the rally remarked, ‘If President Trump was ever in a situation of a Benghazi situation, he’s not gonna go, ‘Hey, are those Mexican guys out there? Are those white guys? Are those black guys?’ He’s not gonna even say that; he’s gonna go, ‘Hey, get those guys out of there, now!”

Some of the signs at the protest read, ‘Blame the Democrats for slavery!’ and there were life-size Hillary Clinton dolls dressed in various costumes, including a hospital gown. Another Clinton mannequin was dressed in all black with a huge gold dollar sign chain around her neck.

Marco Gutierrez, 42, said he was born and raised in Mexico but came to the U.S. legally. ‘Ever since I got my citizenship in 2003, I have been a Republican,’ he told Breitbart News. ‘I think Democrats are too far to the left. They lost their way.’ Asked if he thinks Trump wants to deport the Mexicans, Gutierrez said, ‘I think he’s going to apply the law of the land.’

Ofelia Ramirez, 52, said, ‘When you’re Hispanic, you’re born Catholic, and you’re born to vote Democrat until you start educating yourself and seeing the light.’ Her daughter Nancy Gomez, 33, told Breitbart News:

I work in the art industry and a lot of them [Hispanics] are saying Trump is going to throw us out, he’s racist, he’s xenophobic … but what they don’t understand is that us Mexicans and Hispanics are people of commerce. We’ll sell anything and buy anything. The ideals, what you were saying of Republicans and even Libertarians align more to our culture than anything else. They’ve just been brainwashed. We [Latinos] are merchants by birth; we don’t like handouts.”

Sources: Breitbart

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