Leftist lecturing has taken a twist toward ethnic supremacy at California State University Fullerton’s College of Communications.
While the CSU campus has had it’s share of identity politics and leftist antics, the commencement speech given by Univision hostess María Elena Salinas was elevating left-wing politics to a new level and cementing the hard left legacy of activist-journalists. For decades, the left has pretended that journalists are objective.
That facade has fallen away as journalists traveled from subtle jabs and creative programming, to outright advocacy and ethnic favoritism.
The New York Times describes María Elena Salinas as the “Voice of Hispanic America, which of course is the defacto left-wing endorsement.
See the next page for the unrest caused at her commencement speech.
Run her back to mexico
This is America bitch
i am and you arent , so get the vuk out before we hang your ugly$#%&!@*with a old rope.
Deport her
Good, hope she can find a job in her country now, ungrateful!.
Legal immigrants don’t want to pay for illegals either.
Are you Angry? Are you mad at the Liberals, their media, and the fools trying to run our Country? Does is p**s you off seeing our Country being sold to the highest bidder, (Arab countries) who donate to a woman who sold us out and don’t give a$#%&!@*about what you have to say or think? Does the fact that muslims want to install “their law” into our Country and force it down our throats with the help of the muslim fool in office and the rest of the democrats? You need to ask yourself, ‘how do I change this and keep if from happening’? Well you need to put a man in office who is not afraid to make changes that might just p**s off some people and countries! VOTE TRUMP
If the Republican party does not do what the voice of the people wants, then it’s time to make changes there too!! Or destroy the party completely! VOTE TRUMP!!
Go back to mexico
Native Americans aren’t so native. Who was here before the crow and Sioux to build the wagon wheel in the Dakotas(maybe Montana). Who built the mounds in the Ohio Valley? How about the mummies wearing turbans in the caves in Kentucky. Why did the Gila Cliff dwellers suddenly started to build cliff houses? You are all frauds saying your “Native American” you don’t even know your own history.
So what? The Cherokee came from somewhere. Oh right they crossed the land bridge in Siberia during the big ice age. So you are not the first one here. Your people slaughtered and absorbed the first Americans. If you don’t know your own history, hold your tongue.
Politics doesn’t belong at a commencement speech!