Leftist lecturing has taken a twist toward ethnic supremacy at California State University Fullerton’s College of Communications.
While the CSU campus has had it’s share of identity politics and leftist antics, the commencement speech given by Univision hostess María Elena Salinas was elevating left-wing politics to a new level and cementing the hard left legacy of activist-journalists. For decades, the left has pretended that journalists are objective.
That facade has fallen away as journalists traveled from subtle jabs and creative programming, to outright advocacy and ethnic favoritism.
The New York Times describes María Elena Salinas as the “Voice of Hispanic America, which of course is the defacto left-wing endorsement.
See the next page for the unrest caused at her commencement speech.
You know I’m an immigrant myself and I’m ashamed of this ethnocentric b******t coming from the Hispanic community, I remind myself that I chose to come to this country and instead of dividing ourselves in ethnic groups we should all join together as Americans, for$#%&!@*sake I live in the south, I have for the last 11 years and I haven’t had any insults yelled at me or nothing, except for very rare instances the people here have been very nice to me, maybe because I don’t have that arrogant attitude and put effort into learning the language and just being another American like everyone else, this is my home now, and that’s my point, if you come to America, also become America, adapt to it, it’s hard, but that’s called owning your$#%&!@* that’s my burden to carry, because before being Cuban or American I am a MAN
They won’t, that’s how Democrats make sure they get voters, still they will deport their illegal parents and tear families apart and cause pain and suffering, open borders and anchor baby laws is exactly what they need, serving their political agendas before the interests of the nation, people love to bash Trump on immigration but what has done Obama in 8 fucking years? I know, he has been politically correct, ignoring the issue to not sound like a racist and get the Hispanic support while still deporting thousands and thousands, Trump is more pro immigration and pro Latino than the current administration because they just ignore the problem, by building a wall you keep them from coming in in the first place so you don’t have to deport them later and cause so much suffering, you will discourage smuggling, human trafficking, there’s a human pipeline controlled by criminals and corrupt authorities in Mexico, because migrants from all the other countries have to go through Mexico, there’s a whole mafia set up around it, the “coyotes” the “mules” then the women and girls who are kidnapped etc. It’s a huge humanitarian crisis and as long as there’s an ineffective border, people will keep trying to enter illegally and that mafia in Mexico and the politicians in the US will keep benefiting from it, everybody wins except the American people
Can’t wait
She didn’t learn much did she. Moron.
Well Said.
Another Example of Rasict people at Univision
We Need to Enforce the Immigration Laws
You are full of$#%&!@* Even native americans migrated here from another country.
non whites participated zero % in establishing every town , yet somehow we need to go.