Leftist lecturing has taken a twist toward ethnic supremacy at California State University Fullerton’s College of Communications.
While the CSU campus has had it’s share of identity politics and leftist antics, the commencement speech given by Univision hostess María Elena Salinas was elevating left-wing politics to a new level and cementing the hard left legacy of activist-journalists. For decades, the left has pretended that journalists are objective.
That facade has fallen away as journalists traveled from subtle jabs and creative programming, to outright advocacy and ethnic favoritism.
The New York Times describes María Elena Salinas as the “Voice of Hispanic America, which of course is the defacto left-wing endorsement.
See the next page for the unrest caused at her commencement speech.
Nice to see this ARROGANT ANTI AMERICAN$#%&!@*make the speed h all about herself and her own opinions and NOT about all the kids that worked hard and graduated!!…..She’s gonna$#%&!@*tacos when Trump is elected!!
Yes glad she’s exercising her right to be ANTI AMERICAN!!!
i’m a natural born citizen american from head to toe
We use English to communicate in the US.
Good the$#%&!@*most likely got free tuition and on welfare…
I was born here. How bout you?
We speak English here you bozo.
If Latinas don’t want him to win so bad. How come they don’t run?