In a recent survey conducted by FOX news, 61 percent of voters say they are unhappy with the direction of the country. “Unhappy” might be a mild way to put it, but it’s true. When Barack Obama entered office he had the highest approval rating of any President in modern politics. But after trying and failing and taking this country in a direction it did not want to go in, the only surprising revelation from this poll is that 38 percent of voters are largely satisfied with him.
Voters are also dissatisfied (to put it more accurately, the’re outraged) in almost every specific category of Obama’s Presidency. On economics, homeland security, illegal immigration and foreign policy, Barack Obama has consistently failed to live up to his obligations.
When Obama has made a decisive action on an issue, it has always been to satisfy his personal agenda. Almost as if he wanted to be President in order to authoritatively control this country as his own personal dictatorship.
Read more about FOX’s poll on page 2.
THE MOST pathetic excuse for President that we have EVER HAD TO ENDURE!!!
Clint Eastwood called Obama out on the fraud he is years ago! Wish the other Hollywood morons would have listened!
So why the hell Hillary was going to continue his policies? And why they allow these idiots riot the streets? Are you people nuts or you want to destroy our lives?
I bet he comes out and states polls are wrong. A little late for that.
Folks looking at this all wrong Obama became our president with no intentions on doing anything for America his involvement in other countries his involvement and taking all the money his involvement in promoting Isis it’s all planned he failed America as a leader but he hasn’t failed the enemy has made our enemy stronger this man Obama should be in gitmo for the remainder of his living days
Man has blood on his hands!
Weve been duped…and the career politicians have allowed and abetted it.
We know that …..