Back in the good old days of the Soviet Union, when party leaders wanted to get rid of someone, they would have him declared insane and put in a mental asylum.
Now Democrats and their allies in the Deep State are turning back the clock and showing their true colors.
As early as a month after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, his enemies harped on his behavior and off-the-cuff comments as evidence of his mental instability.
In true Soviet fashion, these left-wingers are trying to paint a picture of a president whose mental competence is in question. Knowing that their slanderous innuendo can become a major theme in the mainstream media, they keep pounding away, as evidenced by the assault on the president for his comments following the events in Charlottesville.
Find out on the next page the latest tactic in the unrelenting attack on President Trump, and how his adversaries hope to turn the Constitution to their advantage. What does this latest ploy say about them?
Note: Nowhere here does this say innocent civilians, or a legit impeachment. On the contrary, this speaks specifically to an illegal silent coup by corrupt officials using false charges, as has leaked out by Clinton cronies lately. Anything else is a different scenario entirely. Honor our Constitution! Keep it straight.
Americans, Patriots, pray for our nation. Pray for our President.
I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists. Very disturbing.
Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people. It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective Constitution. Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist. They get complete control, you get zero. Freedom, Gone! Liberty, Gone! This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.
Like ALL military, law enforcement and government officials, I took an oath to defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. By abandoning the rule of law and conducting a coup against the President & policies WE THE PEOPLE elected, they have made themselves enemies of the United States.
Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military, have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies. Some speculate on “civil war”. I readily recognize a much more sobering reality: Anti-American subversives involved in ANY WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately by the world’s most supreme warriors. There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor. Harsh examples will be made. My prediction is it will be a gruesome massacre. Why? Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
It will likely only take a few hours. Lessons will be learned. History will take note. Order restored.
Patriots, We The American People stand united as one, against ALL enemies. We are peace-loving people who abide by the rule of law. Prepare yourselves in case this ridiculous insanity actually gets played out and the rule of law goes out the window under their gross miscarriage of our legal process. Shaking my head…
United We Stand! At the ready. USA! …………
Lmao why are all these over fed fugly fat women always the ones shown attacking the best president in years.i guess the camera does ad a few hundred pounds.
Has far as I am concerned, the Democratic Party is now a communist party. Glad I left the Democrat Party. They are anti-America, their goal is to bring in the New World Order which will take away our rights and freedom. Their Hero Obama said to the UN, “America has to give up their freedom for the New World Order.” Wake up people before its too late.
They say our president was colluding with the Russians, they called for war with the Russians….now they are using old Russians tactics of declaring our president mentally unstable.What is next ??? having him committed to a mental asylum like the Russians did in the old days.You Bastards are the ones who are sick,you all need to be locked up in that big Whitehouse….and I don’t mean the one in Washington DC. THAT’S WHERE OUR PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP AND FAMILY RESIDE …AND WILL DO SO IN 2020…YOU BLOODY HYPOCRITES !!!
Thank you Truth And Action, for Sharing this!
That’s because the Democratic Party, has been working with the Communist Party USA, for Decades. It is time, to Outlaw both of them, along with Antifa, the KKK, the New Black Panthers, BLM, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is time, to Stop the Hate in America!
Thank you Truth And Action, for Sharing this!
That’s because the Democratic Party, has been working with the Communist Party USA, for Decades. It is time, to Outlaw both of them, along with Antifa, the KKK, the New Black Panthers, BLM, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is time, to Stop the Hate in America!
The elitists will do anything to get Trump out. He is working on a bill that will take away their property tax break. That is why movie stars, media, billionares are doing everything they can to oust him. He is trying to look out for the middle, lower classes. If you are in the working class and continue to hate because of the billionaires antics, you need to rethink your logic. He’s working for you. No matter how much you hate him.
Idiots and much worse