The latest crack in Hillary Clinton’s claims that she cooperated fully with the FBI in its investigation into her private email server has split a gaping hole into that narrative.
Ever since director James Comey let the slippery Secretary of State off the hook this past summer, piece after piece of evidence that that was a big mistake has accumulated. First it was the discovery that Clinton had failed to turn over 17,000 emails, then it was the revelation that she told investigators that she lacked even a basic understanding of email protocol. And now, it appears that vital records requested by the FBI from her somehow never turned up.
Per the report released by the FBI last Friday, a laptop and thumb drive containing archives of Clinton’s emails disappeared in the mail after her staff reportedly sent them to investigators.
Convenient, wouldn’t you say?
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was thinking up her who haa but even billy boy wont go in there…….
she intently deleted destroyed, and hid the requested facts. she b letter and word of law is GUILTY as sin. she needs too be in prison, right along side those invovled in this coverup.
she is lie bound again
that idiot remember nothing how can she be the presidentand another one invisor is a Iranian that crook never know watch out she sell us to the nuslims
Oops….. No evidence no crime
Thumb drives are so small and easily hid,,,,, I’m sure she has a back up thumb drive somewhere for her own personal records. The way she is, I’m sure she would have to go back and check what has been going on and who she could blackmail with said emails if need be.
Not getting accused so to speak………. But getting CAUGHT!
That too…