The Texas rancher was living his worst nightmare. He was embroiled in an income tax case with the federal government that was intent on foreclosing on his ranch, taking everything and leaving nothing due to unpaid liens.
The rancher’s effort to fight back turned the incident into a landmark case. On September 14, 2015, he filed a petition in United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Lufkin Division Case No. 9:14-CV-138 that challenged the Constitutional authority of the feds to usurp the authority of the courts in Tyler County, Texas.
The United States had 14 days to respond, but remained silent, apparently the first and only time that the government failed to respond to a jurisdiction challenge.
The rancher was not dissuaded. On September 30, 2015, he filed a Demand for Dismissal. Again, there was no response. How can the worst nightmare become even worse? The rancher will likely answer that when the Federal Court in conjunction with the IRS is trying to illegally seize your property while ignoring your legal rights, this is about as bad as your nightmare can be.
All within the rights of the rancher, his petition claimed that the Federal Court lacked the territorial and personal jurisdiction in Tyler Country, Texas, and demanded a dismissal of the case. The text of the petition indicated that the law was on his side.
Read the next page to find out what happened to the Texas rancher and to the Constitutional rights of all Americans.
I know! And I found out that having an eagle on the staff doesn’t make it a Roman tribunial.
The constitution does not give the Supreme Court the right to declare a law unconstitutional. The court gave itself that power.
It’s way past time for our Article 5 Convention!!!
This is wrong…!!
The federal government does whatever it likes for the most part.
But now that we’re making America great again, I’m sure that will all change.
George Avery However, the “supremes” have shredded the Fourth and Sixth Amendments, by allowing the Fe(de)ral gubment’s “Land Grabs” and other “Seizures” by not filing as much as a blank piece of Paper, when TAKING Property, both Real and Personal. The protectors of the United States of America, Inc. (an Independent Entity) (see U.S. Courts), use their own “standard”. “If it prejudices or creates estopple against the United States of America, Inc. (an Independent Entity), the court MUST reject the evidence, while ALL unsubstantiated CLAIMS against:individuals, Business, Industry and/or Corporations, shall NOT be prohibited!”
There is no statute under the entirety of title 26 that requires a person to “pay” federal income taxes (except for those that fall under ATFE business) all federal income taxes otherwise are VOLUNTARY. Therefore all attempts at collection of taxes is unlawful since point of Law doesn’t exist.
What good can come from abiding the Law if those who enforce the Law do not abide it ?