Fluoride, found in US tap water and most toothpaste, is a neurotoxin like lead, mercury and arsenic – according to a March publication by The Lancet – one of the world’s oldest and best known general medical journals, founded in 1823.
Harvard University agrees, as illustrated by a study last year, which shows how children in areas with highly fluoridated water had “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.
Fluoride is a waste byproduct of the nuclear fusion process. There’s a clue there!!
So all these years they’ve been having us give this $#%&!@* to our kids telling us it was good for them, they’ve actually been getting us to poison our own children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fluoride is really prozac they are making zombies out of our kids adhd and all
Don’t drink the kool aid
thats stupid
Fluoride inhibits neural signals from the brain. It destroys electrolytes.
Not as Stupid as you may think. I worked for a Municipalatie
I guess that’s why I have good teeth but low IQ!
is that what happened to the libs, living in the city has its down falls!
floride is from a by product of a chemical plant been doing it over 50 years natural floride is ok