Fluoride, found in US tap water and most toothpaste, is a neurotoxin like lead, mercury and arsenic – according to a March publication by The Lancet – one of the world’s oldest and best known general medical journals, founded in 1823.
Harvard University agrees, as illustrated by a study last year, which shows how children in areas with highly fluoridated water had “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.
We grew up with natuarlly floridated water from artision well. Our school was rated one of the highest in the state.
Don’t take the flouride.
Must be why so many people voted for Obama, twice.
Justin Reardon
Gee… if I eat a few more pounds of fluoride, I can go into politics !!
Thats why i use a filter!!!!!
So, tell me, what are we suppose to brush our teeth with?
baking soda for one
They said adding fluoride to drinking water was to prevent cavities. All you have to do to prevent cavities is eat a non-sweet item after eating candy. It changes the chemistry in the mouth to negate the sweets that rot teeth.
Adding fluoride to our drinking water was supposed to eliminate dentists..it has not…why are we still doing it ????