Fluoride, found in US tap water and most toothpaste, is a neurotoxin like lead, mercury and arsenic – according to a March publication by The Lancet – one of the world’s oldest and best known general medical journals, founded in 1823.
Harvard University agrees, as illustrated by a study last year, which shows how children in areas with highly fluoridated water had “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.
great more good NEWS?!
Not as much of Capitalism and the fear of God.
You can buy or make toothpaste that do NOT include Fluoride!!!
Yes, They have non fluoride toothpaste and hopefully you have well water ! But,.. How do you escape the chem-trails !?
It had a tremdous impact on Jonathan Gruber (authorette of ObamaCare)
BS, I don’t believe this!
My government will protect me! lol
well then you need to do some research about Sodium Fluoride. Potassium Fluoride is the one that is actually good for you. Sodium Fluoride is POISON. it even says “WARNING: POISON!” on the bags and drums that they deliver to the water treatment facilities… the same bags and drums that they pour into the municipal water systems. Hitler & Himmler were the first to use it in their concentration camps to dumb down their prisoners and keep them from attempting to escape. It also calcifies your Pineal Gland, which is the part of your brain that controls the chemical distribution for your body, and is also called the “Third Eye” (the Egyptians and other old societies left us massive amounts of references to this in their works. Lots in the form of a Cobra sticking out of the forehead. Also called “The Lamp of Osiris” )
And they have known this for years,,yet it continues…why?poisoned air,water and food ,,hoping that we just die quietly and no one notices? Isn’t our Government wonderful?why do you think that they have already bought millions of the burial vaults?
i talked to a fellow that thought the government had a way to make u sick through your computer . so i asked him well why are u talking to people on the internet for then ? his replay was Its to late for me i am trying to warn others ! maybe he was drinking this water