Fluoride, found in US tap water and most toothpaste, is a neurotoxin like lead, mercury and arsenic – according to a March publication by The Lancet – one of the world’s oldest and best known general medical journals, founded in 1823.
Harvard University agrees, as illustrated by a study last year, which shows how children in areas with highly fluoridated water had “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.
old news that why I have a well
Well water and fluoride-free tooth paste is how I roll.
A must read Folks this is bad stuff….
knew this for years thats why i dont drink tap water
so that’s what’s wrong with this administration!
Another addition to the governments “dumbing of America”
You are so f’ing stupid….. Just answer one question, why aren’t texans all blithering idiots ?? Fluoride occurs naturally there in about 80% of all waters!! Plus you obviously haven’t read reams of scientific studies that show the benefits.
One more point….have your well water tested……you probably drinking natural fluoride!!!
there are 2 different fluorides, natural and man made! man made is a chemical waste by product that we all get fed in our water and at the dentist office! why is this $#%&!@* in our water???? most countries don’t poison their own with this garbage!!! san diego just passed this year to remove this toxin from their water supply. keep everyone sick, big pharma needs your money! and big pharma is in bed with our crooked government! drink up!!!